Microsoft Bing

At Proficy Digital, we capitalize on the immense potential of Microsoft Bing to empower our clients' automotive marketing strategies. With a focused approach to Bing advertising, we help automotive businesses connect with their target audience through precise and strategic ad placements.

Benefits and Features of Microsoft Bing

Microsoft Bing offers a range of benefits and features that make it an influential platform for automotive advertising. Our expertise in Bing advertising enables us to utilize various ad extensions, including call extensions, sitelink extensions, promotion extensions, and image extensions, to enhance the visibility and appeal ofour clients' ads.

With keyword targeting, partner audience integrations, and categorical structured snippets, we ensure our clients' messages resonate with the right audience.

Targeting Strategy

(Variable Operations)

In our variable operations targeting strategy, we leverage Microsoft Bing to reach potential vehicle buyers effectively.

(Fixed Operations)

For fixed operations services, we utilize Microsoft Bing to connect with customers seeking automotive maintenance, warranty work, parts, and accessories.
Success Stories and Case Studies
Our ability to deliver exceptional results for automotive clients through YouTube is exemplified by the following success metrics from recent campaigns:
Client A:
  • Average click-through rate (CTR) of 7.1%, showcasing the relevance and appeal of Bing ads
  • Average search impression share (IS) of 47.8%, demonstrating extensive visibility for the ads
  • Average lost to rank of 3.2%, highlighting the competitiveness and optimization of the campaigns
  • Average lost to budget of 0.7%, indicating efficient budget allocation and campaign management
Client B:
  • Average click-through rate (CTR) of 7.4%, showcasing the relevance and appeal of Bing ads
  • Average search impression share (IS) of 46.5%, demonstrating extensive visibility for the ads
  • Average lost to rank of 3.6%, highlighting the competitiveness and optimization of the campaigns
  • Average lost to budget of 0.5%, indicating efficient budget allocation and campaign management
Client C:
  • Average click-through rate (CTR) of 7.2%, showcasing the relevance and appeal of Bing ads
  • Average search impression share (IS) of 48.2%, demonstrating extensive visibility for the ads
  • Average lost to rank of 3.0%, highlighting the competitiveness and optimization of the campaigns
  • Average lost to budget of 0.8%, indicating efficient budget allocation and campaign management

Ready to elevate your automotive marketing efforts with Microsoft Bing advertising?

Contact our team at Proficy Digital today to schedule a consultation. Let us help you leverage the potential of Bing to reach your target audience and surpass your business goals.